Friday, July 24, 2009

Hooker me up, Eddie

Gawker had a post the other day asking who was the other hooker-nailing Governor. Apparently, Spitzer wasn't the only Gov using the services of the ladies of the night.

Well, one of those lovely ladies was on the Opie and Anthony show to chat. She stated she had been with a Governor at least 10 times, but wouldn't give the name. She did, however, write it down..which led O&A to drop hints....and it's pointing to Gov. Rendell of Pennsylvania.

This is really no big deal though and I'm sure the MSM won't be wasting their time on something so trivial. Now if Gov. Rendell had an Argentina mistress, THAT would be some scandalous news which would require round the clock coverage for at least 2 weeks.

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